How to Handle Offence

How to Handle Offence

You can’t always control what’s handed to you but you can control what you do with it. Offence in life is inevitable but staying offended is a choice; in many ways your response to offence will determine your future. This sermon exposes offence as the bait of Satan and shows how to handle the offences that arise in a way that builds us up instead of destroying us.

How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God

How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God

All Christians have access to the supernatural power of God, but not all Christians are walking in it. Walking in God's supernatural power means the power to live godly lives, the power to carry God's presence wherever we go, the power to pray for our needs and the needs of others, the power to pray for healing and for miracles. Drawing from the account of Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14, this sermon gives you principles about living a supernatural kind of life.

The Object of Faith

The Object of Faith

In a day in which the doctrine of faith is sometimes manipulated and stretched beyond its biblical bounds, this sermon helps us discover what faith really is and how it really operates. You will learn that faith is only as strong as its object and that true biblical faith is dependent on the revealed promises of God, not our whims or desires or something that God has not revealed. Be encouraged as you listen to both face the facts and “faith the facts” and learn about the connection between faith and the power of God.

The Now and the Not Yet

The Now and the Not Yet

To what extent can we expect God to heal our bodies today? Addressing some of the excessive and erroneous ideas circulating about healing in contemporary circles, this sermon provides a robust and balanced theology of healing based on what the Bible teaches about the kingdom of God being simultaneously present and future. Our hope is that this message will both calibrate and galvanise the believer's expectations about healing in the present.

Continuing What Jesus Began

Continuing What Jesus Began

On the occasion of the second anniversary of One Church, this sermon goes back to the book of Acts and reminds us that God desires to do today all the things He did in the beginning! In fact as the Church of today we are called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in this world, expecting supernatural results as our norm! This message highlights the power and authority that God has invested in His Church and shows us that the hope for any community lies in the body of believers in that community.

The Highly Tuned Brain & When It Misfires: Depression & Anxiety

The Highly Tuned Brain & When It Misfires: Depression & Anxiety

In this message our guest Dr Robin Lawrence - a respected Harley Street psychiatrist - sheds personal, physiological and biblical insight on anxiety and depression. His fascinating talk will illuminate, educate and encourage anyone who has suffered with anxiety or depression or who has a family member or friend who has suffered similarly.

The Pain of Shame - the Imposter Complex

The Pain of Shame - the Imposter Complex

Shame is an insidious and powerful feeling that distorts our sense of self and leaves us believing we are defective. These beliefs are at complete odds with how God made us and sees us.  In this message, professional Christian counsellor and guest speaker Kay Lawrence looks at healthy shame vs toxic shame; the manifestations of shame and how to change the script. Perfectionism, procrastination and self-sabotage are not your portion. You are not an imposter - you are a child of God.

Inner Healing

Inner Healing

Many people carry wounds deep in their soul; if not dealt with these can seriously impinge on the quality of our lives and prevent us from moving forward into our God-given destiny. This sermon shows how to be emotionally healthy instead of struggling through life with damaged emotions. You will learn how to identify the messages of negativity and false beliefs in your inner narrative and replace them with the truth of who you are in Christ.



God created us body, soul and spirit and His heart is that we are made whole in all areas. This sermon looks at one of Jesus’ healing miracles and shows how Jesus’ concern was with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Whether we are currently going through struggles or not, we can be confident that in Jesus, we stand on the promise of true restoration and complete wholeness.

Understanding Your Emotions

Understanding Your Emotions

Emotions are a beautiful, God-given part of our human nature which add richness to life; however they will lead you every which way if you let them rule you. Too many people make the mistake of living solely by their feelings but whilst we shouldn’t deny our emotions we can’t rely on them either. This sermon explains the purpose of emotions as gauges not guides and shows us how to master our emotions instead of them mastering us. The listener is reminded that with the Holy Spirit’s help we can do right even when we feel wrong.

What Heaven Is Looking For (The Parable of the Lost Coin)

What Heaven Is Looking For (The Parable of the Lost Coin)

God is searching desperately for the lost - and He invites us to join His search party too. This sermon on the Parable of the Lost Coin invites us to be part of what heaven is part of - to rejoice as the lost are found - as well as inviting those who are far from God to draw close to Him.

Living In Grace (The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant)

Living In Grace (The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant)

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant reminds us that God’s forgiveness is a gift of grace that sets us free. By demonstrating such grace to others we can live free and whole too; otherwise the cost of not showing such mercy is just far too high. This sermon shows us how to live in God's gracious plan for our lives instead of being held captive by unforgiveness. 

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (The Parable of the Net)

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (The Parable of the Net)

There is coming a day when God will separate the righteous from the wicked, the believers from the pretenders, the good from the bad - and the outcome for the bad will be ugly. This sermon on the Parable of the Net exhorts us to get serious about eternity and also encourages each believer to keep on casting the net in view of that last day.

Seeds of Greatness (The Parable of the Mustard Seed)

Seeds of Greatness (The Parable of the Mustard Seed)

As you listen to this message on the Parable of the Mustard Seed you will be reminded: from small seeds grow great things! There is purpose in the planting and also in the process. God also wants to use us to be a shelter to those in need too.

Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

The Parable of the Persistent Widow tells us about the importance of persistence in prayer. It shows us that our persistence is not a plea to be heard but is rooted in being daughters and sons of the King, confident that God hears us when we pray. In contrast to the widow approaching the unjust judge, we persist in prayer precisely because we’re praying to God who loves us and cares about us.

Foresight & Faithfulness (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager)

Foresight & Faithfulness (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager)

In the Parable of the Shrewd Manager Jesus draws a positive truth from a negative example and reminds us about the need for both foresight about the future and faithfulness in the present. This sermon illuminates this surprising and often misunderstood parable from Luke 16 and shows how we can use our money in the present in such a way that it wins us eternal friends and makes an eternal impact in heaven.



Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Jesus is coming back again - we need to let the fact that Jesus could come back at any time dramatically impact the way we live today. There will only be two kinds of people when Jesus returns to this earth: those who are ready and those who are not. This sermon unpacks the Parable of the Ten Virgins and shows you how to have enough oil - how to be and live ready - for the return of Jesus.

Room at the Table (The Parable of the Great Banquet)

Room at the Table (The Parable of the Great Banquet)

The Parable of the Great Banquet shows us God’s amazing generosity in inviting us into His kingdom. But the invitation doesn’t just stop there - there is room at the table and God wants His house full, so we need to let others know that they are welcome, that they are invited to God’s great banquet.

Be Faithful With What You Have (The Parable of the Talents)

Be Faithful With What You Have (The Parable of the Talents)

A key question for the disciple of Christ is not "how much have I been given?" but "what am I doing with what I've been given?". Life is a gift from God; what we do with it is our gift to Him - and ultimately we will give an account to Him for our faithfulness, or lack thereof, in stewarding our life. In this sermon we delve into the Parable of the Talents; learn how to invest what God has given you - the resources, abilities, opportunities and everything else - for God's glory and the good of others.

This is the link to the video referred to at 13 mins 46 secs:



New Wine (The Parable of the Wineskins)

New Wine (The Parable of the Wineskins)

Jesus brings the promise of new wine, but our old lives won't be able to accommodate it; new wine and old wineskins just don't mix - new wine needs new wineskins. The great news is that God is in the business of renewal; He makes all things new. So if we're willing, if we change our taste from old wine to new wine, if we thirst for more of the Holy Spirit, then God promises to make us into new wineskins. His promise is total transformation.