Turning Disability into Possibility

Turning Disability into Possibility

Bart was born with a very rare disability; the outlook was bleak! Hear his story of the God who knows no impossibility and how Bart broke through all the limits of what the doctors thought was possible.

And here's a video showing the remarkable ways in which Bart has broken through limits!

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

This Easter Sunday sermon highlights some of the staggering consequences of the resurrection: the resurrection proves Jesus is who He said He is; it shows He has the power He claimed to have; it means that He will do everything He says He will do. Because He was raised from the dead, Jesus can redeem our past, fix our brokenness and make us right with God; He can give us power to live in the present and courage to withstand persecution, problems and pain; and if that wasn't enough, He can give us hope and a future in heaven. 


This is the video that Pastor Dominic refers to in the sermon about the evidence for the resurrection:



Jesus arrived into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday coming not in might but in humility, coming not to overthrow but to lay down his life. He came to defeat the power of sin, He came to trample death, He came so we could have a relationship with God and live in eternity with Him. And like those first disciples the only right response can be for us to cry "Hosanna!".

Three Crosses

Three Crosses

Usually, and rightly so, when we think of the events of Good Friday we focus on that middle cross – the cross where Jesus hung. But there were two other crosses at Calvary that day too, and there is indeed much for us to learn as we consider the story of those two other men who were crucified alongside Jesus. Which side of the cross are you on? Listen now to this stirring gospel message. 

Stewards Not Owners

Stewards Not Owners

What do you think of when you hear the word "stewardship"? This sermon, delivered in two parts, firstly defines stewardship and then goes on to specifically show what the fact that God owns it all means for how we handle our money. You will gain fresh insights into the power of biblical principles such as tithing and also the need to be the best steward you can be of everything that God has entrusted to you.

Breaking Out of the Debt Trap

Breaking Out of the Debt Trap

Today people routinely spend more than they earn; the result is that not only are they running out of money before running out of month, they are being swept into a sea of debt. This sermon shows what responsible and irresponsible borrowing looks like and draws on biblical wisdom to show the way out of debt.

The Money-Wise Christian

The Money-Wise Christian

Packed full of biblical insight and instruction, this message contains lots of top tips on how to use your money wisely. Drawing on James 5:1-5 and other scriptural passages, you will learn what the wrong and right accumulation, acquisition and allocation of wealth looks like. As you listen you will be given keys to walk in financial freedom and to manage your money today in such a way that treasures are stored up for you in heaven.

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Does God want every believer healthy and wealthy? This message offers a passionate, biblical critique of the central claims of the popular modern-day prosperity preachers and shows that, however one tries to clothe the prosperity gospel in biblical garb, it is totally irreconcilable with the true gospel of Jesus Christ and also detrimental to one's walk with God. Though some settle for less and pursue the short-lived earthly idols of health and wealth, Jesus has something far better to offer us - and in all things anyway, He is enough! 

In Money We Trust?

In Money We Trust?

It is not uncommon to find people who profess Christ as Lord and agree that the Bible is the Word of God yet who don’t live out the implications of this in their day to day lives, not least when it comes to money; their actions show that they are trusting money, not God. This sermon brings a balanced, biblical perspective on money; whilst it is not wrong to have money, it is wrong for money to have you. Listen and learn how to stay free of the influence of Mammon - a demonic spirit that can attach itself to money - and how to walk in God's plan of financial freedom.

We Will Tell the Next Generation

We Will Tell the Next Generation

It is almost incomprehensible that after the passionate, adventurous, faith-filled 'Joshua generation' died another generation rose up that did not know the Lord. This message explains how something so unthinkable could happen and shows the vital importance of passing on the baton of faith to the next generation. Not only will you learn how to parent for faith but you will discover that each of us, whether we have children or not, has a responsibility to preserve and transmit God's story for those that come after us.

Destined: Setting Godly Goals to Fulfil Your Life Purpose

Destined: Setting Godly Goals to Fulfil Your Life Purpose

Many of us are passive spectators in life, watching our lives unfold a day at a time and just waiting to see where life takes us. But God calls us to live by design, not by default. This teaching is filled with inspiring, practical, easy to apply content that will help you live your life on purpose and become the person that God created you to be. You will learn how to produce a life plan and set goals and action steps that will make possible outcomes that you hope to see in the future.

Defined: Embracing Your God-Given Identity

Defined: Embracing Your God-Given Identity

What’s your answer to the question "who are you"? Is our identity in where we’re from or where we live? Is it our job or our relationship status? Is it in something we’ve done or haven't done? And what if something changes - who are we then? Our understanding of who we are impacts how we think and how we act. Drawing inspiring lessons from the life of Gideon, this sermon reminds us that God defines who we are and that, when we truly listen to what He says, we can fully live the life that God has designed for us.

Directed: Discovering the Will of God for Your Life

Directed: Discovering the Will of God for Your Life

Far from being vague and unfathomable, the will of God is something that you can grasp hold of and walk in; in fact, this is essential if you are to find true fulfilment in life. This sermon brings insight into the biblical teaching on the will of God and shares six significant scriptural keys that will not only help you discover the life you were made for but also live in God's will on a day-by-day basis. 

The Significance of the Small Beginning

The Significance of the Small Beginning

In our culture of instant gratification we often expect the glorious and the grand straight away, failing to recognise that God often has the habit of starting the great and big things through the seemingly ordinary and insignificant things. This inspirational New Year's Eve sermon - which contains a rhema word for One Church in 2018 - exhorts us to be faithful in the day of small things and shows us how to keep on going on the face of difficulties and opposition. You will gain a new perspective on your struggles and learn how to bless your day of small beginnings, thereby being positioned to walk in God's best this next year and beyond.

Waiting for Christmas: Simeon & Anna

Waiting for Christmas: Simeon & Anna

There is much we can learn from Simeon and Anna, two elderly figures who - even in the face of contrary circumstances - were full of expectation and faith about God breaking into the world. Their Luke 2 encounter with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the temple teaches us much about the identity of Jesus too. In Simeon we find the hope of consolation and in Anna the hope of redemption; as you learn what these twin hopes are and how Jesus fulfils both hopes, you will discover the life-changing truth about what it means for Him to be your consolation and your redemption.

God With Us: Immanuel

God With Us: Immanuel

When our sins and brokenness made it impossible to come to Him, God came to us in the person of Jesus. This sermon from our Candlelight Carol Service looks at Jesus through the lens of His prophetic name 'Immanuel'. Shedding light on the beautiful truth of the incarnation, you will discover just exactly what it means that Jesus is "God with us".

A Tale of Two Kings: Herod & Jesus

A Tale of Two Kings: Herod & Jesus

The comparison of Herod and Jesus shows us that we create a lasting legacy through self-sacrifice and servanthood, not through self-glorification or the pursuit of earthly honour. Appreciate afresh the kingship of Jesus as He is contrasted with the wicked king Herod. 

Young People Who Changed the World: Mary & Joseph

Young People Who Changed the World: Mary & Joseph

It’s amazing what happens when we respond to God with simple faith and obedience. This sermon explains how God used two unlikely young people to literally change the world; listen and and learn from the wonderful story of Mary and Joseph.

Seeking the King: the Magi & the Shepherds

Seeking the King: the Magi & the Shepherds

This sermon, delivered in two parts, tracks the stories of two very diverse groups of people who both sought the King that very first Christmas. Learn how we can be inspired by the example of the magi and the shepherds.

The Power of Invitation

The Power of Invitation

The risk of not inviting people is greater than the risk of inviting people. We are called to invite others to come and see, yet we can often come up against barriers to inviting people. This sermon explores the 'why' and the 'how' of the best invitation we can give to someone: the opportunity to encounter Jesus and be part of His family, the Church.