Viewing entries in
The Big Questions

God and the War for Mankind | Sam Collinson

God and the War for Mankind | Sam Collinson

God and the War for Mankind by Sam Collinson was the final message in our current series for June-July 2021. In this message, Sam unpacks what the Word of God shows us about the war of light and darkness.

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God, Racism and Revival | Guest Speaker Wiley Smiley

God, Racism and Revival | Guest Speaker Wiley Smiley

God, Racism and Revival by Wiley Smiley was the fourth message in our current series, The Big Questions. In this message, Wiley delivers an inspired message about how we can be in tune with the story God is telling at this important stage in world history - being part of His revival.

Wiley is part of a ministry named 'Hearing God's Voice in the UK'.

The video for this One Church online service is available to watch on our YouTube channel. For more information about our church in Norwich, England including our in-person services, please visit

God and Mental Health | Guest Speaker Thiago Vajas Simoes

God and Mental Health | Guest Speaker Thiago Vajas Simoes

‘God and Mental Health’ by guest speaker Thiago Vajas Simoes was the third message in 'The Big Questions' - our One Church series for June-July 2021. In this message, Thiago unpacks how we can respond to the crucial topic of mental health from a Christian perspective and why it matters.

The audio issues at the start of this message are resolved within a few seconds so please do not let this put you off hearing a great message - one that will be of great encouragement to many of you listening.

The video for this One Church online service will be available to watch on our YouTube channel. For more information about our current services, please visit

God, Technology and Society | Asare Debrah

God, Technology and Society | Asare Debrah

'God, Technology and Society' by Asare Debrah was the second message in 'The Big Questions' -our One Church series for June-July 2021. In this message, Asare unpacks how we can respond to the ever-growing world of technology and why it matters.

The video for this One Church online service is available to watch on our YouTube channel. For more information about our current services, please visit

God, Science and The Universe | Sam Collinson

God, Science and The Universe | Sam Collinson

Sunday's message by Pastor Sam Collinson was entitled 'God, Science and The Universe'. This message kicked off our new series for June and July 2021, 'The Big Questions'. In this message, Sam unpacks how the evidence of God is seen in science and how we as Christians should approach scientific questions in relation to our Christian faith.

The video for this One Church online service is available to watch on our YouTube channel. For more information about our current services, please visit